Sunday, May 9, 2010

Four Elements!

As usual, I'm not dead, just working away. Finally got the Four Elements dress up game together.

Look out for the new hairstyles and bonus features ;D
Oh, and I put a preview for Avatar on the main page.

I can't right this moment, but I will answer everybody's comments :)


  1. Ohh, I love it!

    I like how you added some more hairstyles too, they're great :D Poor water needed a few more.

  2. Ohh so awesome!! I love the new hairstyles and the extra colours for Earth. Also having all the background is great too.

    Cant wait for the avatar one even if Ive never seen the movie.


  3. The whole thing is great, I'm glad you made it so you could use any of the drag and drops on all of them. Also I have a question, I've been wondering for a while, on what is the air doll in the preview picture wearing? I'm just curious, I'm sure it'd be easier for you to just send a screen cap, rather than describing it to me so you can just e-mail me at but don't worry about it if it's too much work, it's clearly not that important lol

  4. Love all your dolls. I'm checking everyday. :]

  5. Wow, this game is amazing! I love the added hairstyles, and I'm also glad you added some clothes to earth. I was also happy about giving elements backgrounds from the other games. Great work, keep it up!

  6. I love the four-in-one game! I really like the new hairstyles, especially the pigtails in Fire. I'm really having fun using the drag-and-drop in all the different games.

  7. Omg! This is the best! I'm really glad you add some more hair to some of them. I can't wait for the avatar dressup. The movie was the best.

  8. Hi. Don't know if you've noticed or not, but on the water game, if you're on the last page and unequip all of her tops, her bra doesn't reappeare until you back up to the page with the tops on it. So she's jumping about in just her underpants. It's not a big deal but I thought you should know, at least.

  9. YAY!!!! Thank you soo much for adding more clothes and hairstyles to everything! I love this game!

    Luna ))

  10. The new hairstyles and everything are AWESOME!!! I love this sooooo much! My roommate and I spent two hours playing with this...we're seniors in high school haha.

  11. I love it! Mostly at the end when you can look at all the dolls together!
    JD :)

  12. The air doll on the site is wearing stuff from the accessories panel (6th panel). I layered a bunch of those necklaces together.

    Azalea takes the credit for the pigtails :)

    bubbles-san, I had no idea! Thanks for the bug catch. I'll fix it asap.

    Haha, glad you guys are liking it! It was lots of fun putting it together. I found the concept of the 4 elements too daunting to tackle on my own, but working with Azalea it was more of adventure :D

  13. i lovvveee the new doll, Ola!! its fab! cant wait for the avatar doll, i love the film. ive got an idea for a doll, when your not busy, a fairy tale doll :) like cinderella, snow white and the princess and the pea :D

    from Ellie

  14. Oh. My. God! The four in one is AMAZING! i love the extra hairstyles etc. well done!

  15. I just wanted to say that I love Doll Divine and I use it all the time to create charcters from my stories!

    I had a general mess around on The Four Elements yesterday, had a great time!! (I LOVE the new hairstyles, btw) I had a go at making myself for each element, as you can proberbly guess from my profile pic, I'm rater fond of Fire me. (because of the lovely shiny knives MAWAHAHA)

  16. i love the new hairstyles on the 4 elements. i cant wait for the avatar maker! i love your website!

  17. I love this game, You should totally make a guy one or maybe combine all the elements so we can mix and match the outfits :)

    Love your site! :)

  18. Absolutely amazing. I love ALL your dolls, but this was really good. :)

  19. I need some help adding a picture for my account. Also, what is the Gallery and Storeies option?

  20. I really like the Four Elements game! I love creating the characters and then deciding where they would live and how they would interact with people. I imagine them as Goddesses :)


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