Friday, April 16, 2010


It's true, the status bars have moved, hehe. I'm just finishing off hairstyles for Air, and then I have to do backgrounds, and I think Azalea has one more background left. Then, of course, programming.

I've had a bit of a delay because my boyfriend had this idea for a website and made me carry it out. It turns out that the website is a HUGE hit and all the major Canadian news outlets want to interview us. Yesterday we did a radio interview, and tomorrow we're doing a TV interview! The website is this: Crack Shack or Mansion? It makes fun of the crazy prices the Vancouver real estate bubble has achieved.

But don't worry, I'm working on the game whenever I can :)


  1. First! Anywhoo... fun game, but have all the "cracl shacks" been busted for crack... or just the on w/ the police going in?

  2. Aiee. And I thought the housing bubble here was going bad. o.o most of those multi-million dollar homes would go for 100k us dollars (which is STILL more than I'd care to pay. <.<)

  3. Rebecca (not the rose one)April 16, 2010 at 6:04 PM

    thank you for updating ola!

  4. Oh, wow. Yeah, those "mansions" are a little too rich for my blood. =D

    Now, as a certified crack shack, would I have to be a certified crack dealer to buy one? If so, how does one go about this certification? I'm sure there's a class or something, right? =D

  5. Rebecca (The Rose one. xD)April 16, 2010 at 10:06 PM

    Gosh OLa, I laughed so hard at the game. =D
    Anyways, I'm uber excited about the Air game! Keep up the awesome and amazing work!
    - Becca

  6. lol thats just scary!!!

  7. Can't wait for the air element,cuz I know it will be outrageous!^_^


  8. I want that first crack shack, haha.

  9. hah wow i LOLed at that haha any way that must be so exciting for you OLa :P have funn! oh question: when do you think the fairy tale maker or the anthro maker are going to be done? cuss the look the most done...ish to me ha but no rush ;)

    P.S. sooo excited for the air maker!! and the four in one thing

  10. Actually, the one with the police is the least certain to be a crack shack.. But most of the others are for sure.

    Kisa, I agree and I think that's what people are missing. They're so caught up here in trying to get into the market, that they don't even ask themselves whether they want the property.

    Hahaha, Em, I think those kind of degrees are earned in the streets.. Surviving bullet wounds and the like :)

    I want that first crack shack too!!! What a waste of beautiful architecture, eh?

    After Elements I'm gonna try and quickly finish Avatar, then Anthro. It's true, it is very complete so it shouldn't take me long once I start.

  11. i'm sorry i'm kinfa outta the loop...
    but are those real prices?

  12. Wow so weird! I got most of the answers wrong lol. I can't wait for the anthro maker! I love fox's so I'm super thrilled :D

  13. uaaaaa *cries*
    why aren't the status bars moving?

  14. hehe... can't wait for air to come out. when will you begin the avatar game? i've played a couple of neytiri games before and i bet they aren't as good as what you can produce. anyways, good job on the other elements!

  15. hey! I admire your style of dress up games so I have an Idea for a game I would really like and you might have fun making since I'm a freak about history I was think maybe you could do four games like the air,fire,earth,water only instead you could have dress up from different time periods I was thinking regency era,victorain era,tudor ages, medival times the reason I think this would be a good game is because the history may be not intertsing but they had the coolest hairstyles and an odd style of dresses I really think you and maybe Azalea could really make one little idea into something magical. if you do decide to make the game I know it will be awesome XD

  16. i totally can't wait for the star trek maker! will you do vulcan ears/eyebrows and orion skin do you think? :D


  17. Yup, real prices in Candian dollars (so now equal to American)

    yeah.. the other avatar games are.. err.. interesting.

    History is ALWAYS interesting! Sometimes I waste hours at a time surfing wikipedia from one monarch to another.. So many crazy stories!
    I don't think I'm gonna do more than 2 dolls at a time for a long time. Especially not with all those periods because they each have SOOO much going on that I'd rather focus on them one at a time. I'm definitely gonna do more historical and folk dress ups and over the long term I should be able to get through all of them :)

    Erra, of course! XD

  18. O my godness thank you XD!!! for listening to my idea youre da BESTEST EVER!!!!

  19. Ooh I love Historical dress ups!!

    And I agree... History is the most interesting thing ever... second to only languages and Politics! :D

  20. hey!shidabeeda on deviantArt just posted a really radical new dress up! its really cool and I wanted to know if you could add it to your site!
    -Sexxy Nuka

  21. I love all the Elements! They've just gotten better and better! My favorite is Earth. She looks really nice. ^__^

  22. Ali, if you like languages, look what I found recently:
    Check out that graph of how all the European and South Asian languages are connected! :D
    Oh, and I would add economics and biology to that list :)

    Haha, Sexxy Nuka, we think alike! I actually just posted it! When I saw it come up on deviantArt, I said "OMG WANT!" hehe

    Earth is my favourite too :)

  23. I love all the games, they are all the best games you've done! I can't wait for air, it'll be even better than the first three!


  24. hmmm i cant possibly imagine air being better than fire. Ola you and azalea outdid yourselves! :D fire is my element, and its better than i wouldve thought! still, i cant wait for air to come. pleeeeeassseee make it soon ola!! :) also i have an idea for a game for history/myth. there have been a few goddess games out there, but i know you could surpass them all if you did one. please consider it? :D

  25. Yay! Thank you so much for helping shida with the lagging in the game, my finger hurt after playing it like 20 times XD. I also posted this:
    Its a pic I made of the dress up game, when your done with the elements I'm going to make one with all of them!

    -sexxy Nuka

  26. Ahhh that picture of the Air dress-up is such a tease! I'm so excited about this one!!!!!!!!!!! D:

  27. OMFG!!! tee-hee I cant wait for the air dress up! ...and I know this is seriously off-topic but sometimes when i go to deviantart i get malware sent to my computer, does anyone know whats up with that?

  28. Omgggg, the new preview picture for Air is so georgeous! I cannot wait for this game! :D

  29. Kyaaaa I cant wait for the air came to come out! I keep checking and hoping! Stop teasing us and let us have it! ^^


  30. I can't wait element air. I bet it'll be awesome!

  31. eemnopqebnuncouy wt4provtqyavnoihjr

    Me banging my head on the keyboard in frustration.

  32. Wow, good for you guys! That must be soo exciting! I'm super excited for the air element to come out... as well as the upcoming Doll Divine Collaboration games, especially the Dragon, Puppy, and Anthro ones! Do you have any idea of when these may come out?

  33. I've also had malware attempts... I suspect it's from the ads on deviantArt. You'd think they'd get that under control :\

    LOL, Kathy don't hurt yourself!

    Don't worry guys. Air is coming out TONIGHT :D (I live in Vancouver though so some of you might be asleep by then)

    No idea about dates, but I'm doing the Anthro doll first out of those because it will be quick.


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