Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Trying something new... now members can login and collect "crowns" that they can bestow upon other members' dolls to show that they like them. I was wondering if you guys had any thoughts on the system? Login and give it a whirl :D


  1. Hi! I LOVE the crowns idea! I love your website am so much I am member DeLIrIOuS. You are so creative Thinking of all these great ideas. I am a tough critic, so I only give crowns to ones I think REALLY deserve one. I am a real history freak, so you don't know how happy I am about The Tudors game progress. I know you are busy with the website and all, but if you have time visit MY blog at: eleanor-historybyme.blogspot.com thanks!
    (My cup runneth over!)(from typing! ;))

  2. Like the idea, but can't find how you see what crowns your own dolls were awarded?

  3. Hi maybe I got ahead of myself. I do agree with anonymous. CAN you see when you get crowns for a doll? I hope. Thank you when you figure it out.

  4. Regarding the Tudors game, will a solid background be added in case we want to c&p our creations into our own backgrounds?

    Also, since it's a 'scene maker', will we be able to add additional dolls beyond the single male and female, and move them around, as with the HP and A:TLA scene makers?

  5. Awesome blog Eleanor! Keep up the good work :)

    Hmm... yeah good point. I don't know, I'll look into that.

    Yes, definitely will have solid backgrounds. And hopefully multiple draggable characters, unless it's too much for Flash to handle.

    1. I know you're busy - but I'm having problems saving my stories. I can't seem to tag them to dolls or save them just generally. Wondering if you could help me find a solution?

    2. I'm having the same problem. anyone?

  6. The crowns are okay, not super exciting.
    I have two questions about updating the site:
    1. Will you make it possible to vote on all the doll makers OLa made in the past?
    2. Can you make it possible to load dolls to your profile that you made before voting is possible?
    Thanks for the awesome site!

  7. Is there any progress being made on the Senshi update? I'm so looking forward to it.

  8. Hi! my account won't let me log on but I am Eleanor.
    So I'm confused. the percentage on the Tudors game has changed BUT it isn't updated. is it my computer, did someone hack, or did you do that or something else thankyou, Eleanor

  9. @Eleanor I think the percent means she's made more progress, but hasn't necessarily updated the game on the site yet

  10. Ahhhh Tudors is almost done! I can't wait to see what the guys will look like XD

  11. I am excited about the Tudors game being finished! But I am having trouble uploading any stories to my profile. Is it still under construction?

  12. I saw the Tudors game was almost done and actually made happy noises in my friend's living room. Yaaaay~

  13. i really like the crowns idea. but is there anyway to see the crowns what i've earned?

  14. Thank you anonymous. I am NOT an expert on computer stuff. (Obviously.) ;) ( my account still won't let me log on!! >:( ) eleanor

    1. try to regain your password by entering your email, by the way OLa, i love your work!!

  15. the tudors game is amazing!!!!! good job!!!!!!!

  16. I adore the tudors game! And really like the crowns idea (particularly as you can say why your giving them to someone) but it would be nice if their were extra ways to earn them, like winning a competition maybe?

  17. LOVE the final Tudors game. Although I am disappointed in the lack of codpieces.

    I like the idea of the crowns, but I don't really see what the point is when you can't see what you've earned.

  18. Hi I absolutely love the tudors final! but... What in the living daylights are those monkey things!?!?!?!? Half monkey with a man face and dog ears is what it looks like to me!

  19. I'm enjoying the Tudors game, but one of my dolls appears to have gone missing: I put it in my gallery, then attached a story to it, but it seems to have disappeared! However, the story I attached it to is still there. I admit to being somewhat puzzled (as well as a bit miffed, as I had multiple characters in said image, and don't feel up to trying to remember how I had them designed).

  20. so, am I the only person who thinks a Legend of Zelda dress up made by Ola would be totally kick a-- I mean butt.

  21. Are those weird monkey things in the Tudors game rats? Just asking.

  22. I'm really liking the crowns thing, but yes, I would love ton see which crowns my creations have received. Also, I would love to be able to comment on them or something- I love the characters people make and would love to tell them so in my own words, and to hear their stories Love love LOVE your site :D

  23. I'm in LOVE with the Tudors!!! <3

  24. Hi!I'm Daddarosa, a new member of Doll Divine.
    I like very much this site, but I have a problem: I can't save my dolls. Can you help me, please?

  25. Are you working on a way to look at your own crowns
    I haven't looked at my profile considering it is 8:40 in the morning in Manitoba.
    P.S i changed my screen name I am Elizabeth_one.

  26. Can't wait for more great games!!! ;)

  27. I just wanted to say, that I find voting across all categories a bit unfair. When I was voting across all categories, I find myself always voting on the tudors, or the sailor amker or the angel maker. I'ts just because I like those games more than the others. You can't really compare such different things like a pony maker and a sailor maker...

  28. *gasps* I-is this what I think it is? Are you updating the blog again? O.O I was starting to seriously doubt this day would come! *sniff**ahem*

    I think the crowns are a great idea, but only if we can see who has how many crowns for what. Otherwise it's kinda useless. :P

  29. Grrr. I play the Tudors game almost every day and I love it, BUT almost every time I try to save my dolls, AND I'm logged in, a new tab opens up and there is a popup that says; You are not logged in to doll divine! please log in to save your dolls. something like that. It REALLY bugs me especially when I've worked on them for 20 minutes. Does anyone else have this problem?????? If so and you know why, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! I am Really annoyed!! thank you,

  30. Oh and Ola, If you could help me with this I would appreciate it.

  31. SO ANNOYING!!! It happened again! please tell me if this happens to anyone else!

  32. Eleanor: That happens to me too. Without closing the tab where you're playing the Tudors, open a new tab and go to the DD homepage. Log in there, then go back to the game and try saving again. That works for me most of the time.

  33. Thank you! I also found out something really strange. I usually click on the "Folk" category to get to The Tudors. I found clicking on "History" or "Media" Makes me not have to make my dolls all over again. Strange huh?

  34. Hi. I just wanted to say, I don't get the saving limit. 50 dolls per account, I've seen accounts with over that many.(!) Did you change it? because I get notifications that I can't save anymore dolls, so why don't other people?
    Eleanor Post Scriptum: LiterateChick your strategy worked well, thanks.

  35. Hmph. I want to write a story, BUT when I go on my profile and write one, I save it, the pop-up comes up and it says I am not logged in! It has happened 5 TIMES now, 5 TIMES! It is annoying please help me!

  36. Okay! Problem solved! I posted a story. I still don't get why it wouldn't save for me a while ago.

  37. Ah! Love the new viewing profiles for our saved dolls, we can now see how many crowns each has just on our profiles! Thanks so much Ola :)

  38. I love everything about DollDivine but I am having a problem with stories. I can't save ANY. If I click on 'save changes' it does nothing, zero, zilch. I thought at first that it wasn't working for anyone but now I know it is. I've tried multiple times to save a story. Not sure if it's me, the site, or something else. Help?

  39. @WolfMunster I had that problem too. I saved a story and it wouldn't work when I clicked "save". I found if you save a story you don't care about, (ex. one in gibberish) and then save a story you took time on, it works. If that doesn't work I'm sorry, but I dunno!

  40. @Elana Thank you for the suggestion but that failed to work :(. Oh well I guess I'll just keep making dolls :D

  41. I love your games, but do you have any idea when the viking game will be coming out? Your fans have been waiting for it forever!

  42. I know you'r probably very busy, but I think it would be EPIC if you and Azalea did a collaboration game on the girls of Monster High. Just a suggestion ;3

  43. Oh sorry! It doesn't always work for me! :(

  44. Hello!!! I'm new to the DD world but have ALMOST fallen in love with the site. The only problem is that I can't save ANYTHING. I have created a profile and several dolls but NEVER have a save option at the end. I found a post that said only "exclusive" games have a save option but have yet to find one under that list either. Am I missing something??

  45. Ummmm...this has nothing to do with the topic, but I feel kind of confused. I love your site, Ola, but I don't really like the new account thing because I can't figure out how to add my dolls to a gallery! Your probably not going to read this, but I figured I'd ask, anyway. So...here's my email if you-or anyone, really,, has an answer: dianaking500@yahoo.com Please help!

  46. @QueenTiff: Only certain games have saveability functions so far. These include the Sailor Moon maker, the Hogwarts Scene Maker, the Tudors Scene Maker, the Etsy maker, the Pegasus maker, the Greek maker, the Angel maker, and the Fantasy Horse maker.

    Hope that helps~ You also may want to double-check with someone else because I may have left one off the list.

  47. @QueenTiff, Anonymous is correct. The games with save functions are; Angel Maker, Fantasy horse, Hogwarts scene, Marie Antoinette, Roman Lady, Pegasus, Sailor Senshi, Tudors and Victorian Butterfly. Hopefully I got them all.

  48. Ola, I have a gallery in which there are 5 rows of dolls. I cannot click on "edit" or "preview" in the second row. Any advice?

  49. I died...of happiness...The viking maker is so perfect.

  50. I love the crown idea, but what I really came to say is how much I adore the viking maker! I've been waiting for forever it seems and it's everything I imagined and more :) One thing, though. I really wanted to make myself as a viking and I have black hair, but there really isn't a black option. There's one I think is supposed to be black, but it's more of a dull brown. I was wondering if you could possibly make a true black color. That's the only thing I have to say, otherwise it's perfect :)

  51. the sailor maker is perfect!! :D

  52. Ooooooh my goodness!! The sailor maker is unbelievable! Thank you sosososoooo much Ola!

  53. I think you should know that the viking maker doesn't work on a newer Firefox at all. The first "page" is fine but the others give only one of the items in numerous colours and you still can't choose anything.

    1. Works fine over here, but I have FF 11 beta.

  54. Are you able to make the other games that you collaborated with into dolls you can save? I'd like to save some of the things I've created on them to my account and not just the Hogwarts games and the other stuff. Okay thanks!

  55. I'm excited for the new games coming, but I'd be even more excited if you took a little while to update the older games and make them save-able. I like playing on some of the older games, like the Adventurer and Centuar and Kimono and Warrior ones, but they and other games have kind of been left in the dust.

  56. Youll probably never look at this, but i think it be really cool if you had a Flapper creator. that would be fun.


  58. Interesting idea. :) I myself would love to be able to leave comments on the dolls and the stories, as well as private messageing.

  59. Just as a side-note, my word verification was 'ass' XD.

  60. It would be really great to be able to leave comments!

    And I think it would be really awesome to have a survivor creator, from The Walking Dead where you can make zombies or survivors :P

  61. Being able to leave comments would be awesome and just as an idea for a new dress up game maybe the Hunger Games dress up. The series is getting so popular that a ton of people will want one

  62. Hey... I don't know if anyone has asked for this, but I would like to give crowns to stories, and I love the idea of "following" people, but I would like to know who is following ME. I find it a little creepy not knowing who has you sorta "bookmarked" you and kind regularly views your profile.

  63. I think it'd be kinda cool to make an Andalite dressup/maker, like the aliens form the Animorphs. I've always thought one would be cool, but now one I've seen has made one.


  64. Speechless. The Sari Maker is beyond perfect! It's Be-erfect!

  65. The Sari Maker is just wonderful!! I love it! :D


  66. Yay you're working on the Save function for the older games!

    Also, I created a Tumblr blog for dolls made in DD. Just promoting it ^^

  67. That Sari maker is GORGEOUS! I love it, can't wait to see what I can make. As to the new features, I think it's probably a really good idea to see who's following you, and who's favourited what dolls. But I'm sure you're probably working really hard on stuff like that Ola. I have faith in your skills. :P

  68. Hey, OLa!!! I was wondering that since The Hobbit is coming out this December, maybe you could do a Hobbit dress up game? They are seriously lacking on the Internet, and it would be wonderful if you made one. Thanks! - Kate :)

  69. I love the Sari Maker!! It's just awesome! Sorry for the late comment, I've been busy.
    Keep up the great work, OLa!!! ;)


  70. i think that the candy land maker has really beautiful artwork but i was a little disappointed at the lack of options for clothing and hair...

  71. Gah, I cried tears of joy when I saw the updates on the progress page.
    Candyland is absolutely perfect!

  72. i would love if you could make the old games with a save button and maybe with new stuff. i was a little disapointed when the element dress up came and i was so exited cuz i tought there was gonna be new stuff. so im really hope'in that your able to do that.

  73. Sooo looking forward to the rework of the tutors for Game of Thrones. Yay!

  74. Oh my gosh. All my dolls that were cool and most of them didn't even have 51 votes are gone!!! Ah! What happened? :(

  75. I wish that when you do the "view your doll" thing, that you could have arrows so you could view the next doll, instead of having to go back to the screen before and find it.

  76. The crowns idea is fun and your site layout is awesome. Love the sari maker - it's so beautiful. As a sugestion, I would like to see an option for an orna, or any other kind of scarf or drape. It's kind of hard to make a complete shalwar kameez without one, and though it's not necessary, it would be really cool if you could add one. Other than it's great!

  77. I ran into something weird... I had two accounts, same email, and one is my current account, and the other showed dolls I did a while ago, some I even deleted. I was wondering if someone else ran into this problem.

  78. I can't save stories! I spent alot of time writing one, and whenever I click save it doesn't do anything! I ahve tried SEVERAL times. Please help, someone?

  79. I have a major concern for you. I've been noticing that GirlsGoGames has been taking your Four Elements games and labeling them with "Fire Queen Dress Up" and the latest one is "Air Queen Dress Up". You have your label and Azalea's label is there, but they also added their label at the left corner. They also have your old version of the Kitten Maker too but without their label. I'm not so sure if they have taken your game or if you have agreed to this. I just wanted to make sure that you knew about it.

  80. Hi! Sorry this isn't really related, but I couldn't find anywhere else to post it. You know the scene maker games? I love the ones there already, but you know what i think would be AMAZING? A Doctor Who scene maker! :)

    Hiria. :)

  81. I really thought your site was something. But a membership fee? REALLY? Yeah its only a dollar but some people either dont have the funds or a way to pay. I'd hate to see you become like the jerks at cartoon doll emporium. They were amazing to start out, like you, but now? They squeeze any money possible from you.I mean you site is amazing. But I can see it happening to you too.

    1. Dude, calm down. Ola actually has fees to pay for hosting the site, and it's not like you can't do plenty of things WITHOUT being a premium member. The special features for premium members are perks that are in no way necessary for enjoying the site. Speaking as a non-premium regular member, I can assure you that I have lost no enjoyment from not paying out any money.

      That said:

      Since we're discussing the miniscule fee of a dollar a month, might I suggest a way to set it up on a monthly (or bi-monthly) basis, so that one can actually only pay a dollar a month? While I can certainly spare a dollar a month, I can't spare twelve dollars in one go and would prefer paying as a go along.

  82. Was I the only one who was unable to get onto the website yesterday.

  83. I absolutely love the Erté Elegance game!!! :D
    It's so pretty! :)


  84. Love the new Erté Elegance game. It would be cool to have a ninja maker on the website as well.

  85. I really like the section that shows all time winning dolls, but I'm wondering what gets a doll into the beloved categories (prettiest, most intricate, etc.) Is it the amount of crowns they have? Because some of them don't seem to have very many...

  86. hey i was wondering 2 things:
    1) how do you see how many people are following you?
    2) how do you see if there are any comments on your dolls (other than the 'latest comments' box, of course)
    just curious. a reply would be nice too.
    <3 your site!

  87. it would be cool if you put up that new heroine fanart creator game (on AzealasDolls) on your site. it would fit in perfectly there

  88. I'm excited for all your new games! Keep up the great work! :D

  89. Aie-Aie's, actually. It's a lemur, not a monkey. Still looks like a rat-monkey.

  90. DollDivine,
    I love your website! I especially love the more realistic dress up games like the Tudors and Game of Throne makers.
    I'm a huge fan of Pride And Prejudice- any of Jane Austen's books really.
    I would love it, if at some point you would make a Pride and Prejudice maker in the same style of the Tudors and Game of thrones makers- they're so beautiful. Just another one of the millions of ideas you receive. :)

  91. The Pride and Prejudice maker does sound wonderful. Another nice one would be a witch maker, all gothic and occult.. just a thought.

  92. Your site is my favorite dress up site! I thought a modren family maker would be nice. The ability to make a mom, (possibly pregnate) a dad, kids, teenagers, and/or babies. And possibly some drag and drop pets.

  93. HELP!!!!!I don't know how to save dolls!!!!!HELP!!!

  94. Maybe you've addressed this before but I've been playing at dolldivine for several years now, (since middle school in fact and now I'm out of high school) and I'll occasionally come back to be a kid again but for some reason, I can no longer save my dolls to my galleries. I've got a really tight budget so if I honestly have to pay to save my dolls, that's ridiculous. (Then why not save to your computer?) Cause that takes up room that I need for collage papers~


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