Monday, April 4, 2011

Image Saving, Attempt #3

I'm getting closer to having image saving capability working, I hope.

Does this work for you guys?: Sailor Maker with saving function
(you should see a "SAVE" option on the last panel.. if you don't, your browser might not be reading the latest uploaded file)


EDIT: We're currently doing some testing with the Sailor Maker, so weird things might be happening. I apologize if anything's wonky. I'm glad it has been working for everyone so far! :D


  1. It worked for me! :)

  2. Worked for me (on google chrome) :)

  3. Works for me! I'm using FF4

  4. Worked for me. Using FF4

  5. Also worked for me on chrome. awesome function!

  6. It worked for me on Firefox :)

  7. It worked for me too, I'm using Safari, awesome!

  8. Coolio! Worked for me on FF4 (I think)

  9. It worked on Chrome <3
    This option is awesome :0

  10. Worked nicely on Safari for me! This is a really great option to have, thank you ^_^

  11. Works for me, I'm running Firefox 3.6

  12. Worked! Using the most recent version of Firefox, besides 4.0

  13. This is amazing! Will this be available for all the games?

  14. Yeah, it worked for me! =-) I'll go and have a look for FlashPunk as well as I'm nosy, sorry, curious. XD I've been doing some thinking over the whole girl gaming stuff and I just thought I'd add my two pennies worth. Well, basically, I like games that get me thinking. I really liked your Princepals Of Evil games as I had to think hard to play it AND it was neither too easy or too difficult. Also the story was awesome. =D You should do more games like that if you can, maybe one where we can design our player character rather than play as Rogi.
    I like games like Nintendogs too but to be honest they can get a bit boring after a while, I love playing with the dogs but there's no actual STORY to the game and there's a limit to the things you can do. I mean, you can feed your dogs and play with them but you can only walk them once every half hour, you can only enter three contests a day. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, I just WISH there was more to do. A bit like if you released a beautifully drawn dress-up game that only had two or three different outfits. =-/

    I also adore Animal Crossings, that's so much fun but reccently I've gotton into a game called Magic Folk And The School Of Wizardry for NintendoDS. It's really worth getting, I'd totally recomend it. It's a lot like Animal Crossings but only more structured and if you get bored you can just activate mystery time and you'll have a mystery to solve the next day. It's a bit like Animal Crossing goes to Hogwarts really LOL, but only a lot more bright, happy and cheerful. It can also be quite scary at times too.

    Another game I'm addicted to is Sims. Unfortuntely my game broke so now I'm sad. Sims 2 on DS was brilliant too but I got frightened of the robots in it. (I was only about 8 though)

    Anyways, thats just some food for thought.
    - Jessamine

  15. Okay, I looked at Flash Punk. I don't understand a word of the tutorial so far. XD lol. If you ever write a tutorial, please make it simpleton friendly!! LOL.

  16. I've always kind of hoped there would be hair jewels and white stripes on the boots added to the Sailor Maker. I know that's not really the topic here, but it's just some feedback I always wanted to leave. Love the game regardless, and I appreciate all the work you put into creating everything on the site :)

  17. Why not start making some doll bases too? That would be really cool!

  18. Worked perfectly for me, really great idea.

  19. O my gosh, Ola, I LOVE the new 'future dressup' page! It's the best thing ever! Thank you a thousand times! Including the estimated time schedule, that's so great! I am always wondering when things will be done, because sometimes there seems to be so little progress (I know that there is ofcourse a lot of progress backstage, but I can't see that:P) I love this!

  20. Omg i cant wait until the avatar maker is done..... I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want the viking maker to be done quick it looks so pretty. And also what does unknown mean? does it mean 2 months or something from now? Becuz it said on the pony maker it will be a long time...... In my opinon i would do all the people dress up games first then the pony maker. becuz i dont think it will be such a huge hit. Anyways... I love your site and I hope more anime and fanasty dress up. Maybe a archerey girl dress up. And games that you get to pick your front part of your hair and the back part and facial features. Kinda like the Adventure Maker. I think those type of games are fun.

  21. Just so you know there's a problem with the full-screen Kitten Maker.

  22. I saw that you added some estimated release dates, description, etc. to the dressups-in-progress. I know I've probably said this before, but YOU ROCK, girl! Also, can't wait for the next games, but take your time because they're always worth the wait. Keep it up!

  23. Sorry for the double post, OLa, but I was wondering what software you used for game art and how much it usually costs. Thank you. :)

  24. oh ma gosh mai is done!!!! she looks perfect!!!!!

  25. The new sea horse maker and dove maker is so cute! And Mai is awsome. Can't waite for Ty Lee!

  26. Jessamine Diane AKA The Girl Who Was Too Lazy To Log InApril 19, 2011 at 6:12 AM

    I see the status bar is moving, very good. I am excited now. You are teaching me patience here Ola, which is very good because I have absolutely none. <3

  27. love ty lee and yue and the new scenes! whats next?

  28. The save button does not seem to work for me when I use Internet Explorer 7. The browser tells me that I have a blocked pop-up (which should not be happening as I allow pop-ups from Doll Divine), and then after changing the settings, the save button just does not do anything. However, it works fantastically with Firefox, so it must just be an IE7 problem.

    You are amazing! <3

  29. Ty Lee can be turned upside down when using the flippy button. I'm not sure if that was intentional or a glitch...but it's kind of cool, considering her character.

  30. its not glitch, because someone from fb asked that.

  31. I almost can't beleive ATLAB is done!!!! Ola you worked so hard to get it done and it was soooo worth it. I have so many Avatar OCs and outfits for them!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  32. There's a dandy maker in the works? You, madam, just made my life :DDDDD

    Also, any word on that Star Trek maker?

  33. Congrats on finishing the airbender game, I know you worked really hard on it! I have looked at it and it's a really good quality game, unfortuntely though it isn't really my cup of tea as I'm not an airbender fan. Still I think it would be awesome if you could make a game like this again but not to go with any sort of fandom, just a plain scene maker so you can re-create your OCs and their families. That would be beyond awesome.

  34. YAYYY!!!!!!!!!! Avatar:TLA scene maker is done!*dances around in celebration* really pleased by it and I love the kids. That's really sweet! I have a bunch of scenes where older versions meet younger version (AKA Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee) and that's really cool. I was just a bit puzzled because on the status bar yesterday there was something called 'elements' in the works but there was nothing new when I looked this morning? Oh well, you probably got fed up with the scene maker, though I never will...

  35. Congrats on finishing the Avatar scene maker. That was a monster of a project to take on, and it turned out really well ^__^

  36. the avatar scene maker is finally done? wow its amazing it seems not to long ago you started on it. congrats on finishing it!!!!!

  37. Good job on finishing the Avatar scene maker! I love how you can turn Ty Lee upside down!

  38. Your job on airbender, and another games like Princess Maker and Lolita Maker(my favorites)are really awesome...You are really talented, I deeply love your makers.. Congratulations Ola, I feel really pleased playing each game, besides, I am looking forward to Marie Antoinette maker...which is really beautiful.


  39. Hi You should make a Hunger Games maker THAT WOULD BE SOOOO COOOL!!!!

  40. i know this may not concern this blog,but i just watched the movie Sucker Punch and although I didnt understand the story much it was good action,but thats about it to some extent.You do such an amazing job with doll dressup games,I was wondering if you could sucker punch into a dressupgame maybe a burlesque touch to it.Also I was going to ask if you could do an Ilove Lucy dressup game :)
    Thank yooou : )

  41. omg you should sssssoooooooo make a hunger games maker they are such great books!!!

  42. I was wondering if you could make a dollmaker with a kim possible-esque art style. Maybe for the show itself, but mostly something with that sort of aesthetic. I just love stylized look of the show, and I haven't really found a good maker where you can create your own character in that style.
    I don't know, just something to think about, I guess. I just wanted to throw the idea out there.

  43. I agree you should make A Hunger games maker!!! but not only for girls u can also make guys!


  45. whats the big deal with the hunger games i started reading the first book but got super bored after the first few pages. what is it even about i forget?

  46. Well... if you just read the first few pages of the book it's not gonna be as interesting as the rest of the book. Maybe if you read more of the book you might find it interseting

  47. I've read the whole book and didn't find it all that great, but my reason for not being hot on a Hunger Games maker is a bit different:
    What would be special about it? There isn't anything visual that could be pulled in to make the game uniquely for the series instead of just a generic character creator.

  48. I like it! I saw that your making a sailor senshi maker updated version and i would really like it to be done soon! I Really want to see it!

  49. in the sailor maker why did you make it so we cant print out coloring pages? i liked that cause after i printed it i could add extras like ribbons going up the boots and color them without messing up the orignal picture. any chance you could make it so we do that agian with sailor maker?

  50. This may sound random, but I am a huge fan of the Hunger Games and so I was wondering if you could make a Hunger Games avatar creator? That would be really cool. Or if you know of one could you put something up about it or... something? Thanks.

  51. what is the last panel and where on it would the SAVE option be?
    please help

  52. Why can't you save the Anthro Maker Dolls?

  53. okay I've printscreened my doll but how do I get it to be my profile picture?????????????????????? And how do you save your dolls to your galleries after you've printscreened them??????????? HELP???????????????

  54. no! I cant save on any game! all it dose it says pop ups and when i allow it, it just comes back to the begining! I print screens but i want to show my dolls! I have a gallery waiting to be filled

  55. You should totally have a save button on princess maker. In fact I beg you! I used the print screen but it wasn't as good quality as I would like. Please, please, PLEASE do it. I would absolutely be grateful to you forever!!!!

  56. But how do I add pictures to my galleries?

  57. Hi opa!
    I've just came across this site last week and I really really love it!
    But i'm confused how to add pictures to my galleries? Please help!
    Thank you(:

  58. i don't understand... can you add pictures to show where the save button is?


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