Friday, February 11, 2011

Call for website testers!

Thank you everyone for your awesome feedback :D

One thing's clear, which surprised me, is just how much everyone wants to see the future games area expanded. That's cool.. What about even more like, in-progress screen shots or webcams of me working? hahaha
I've also been toying with the idea of Livestreaming, so that people can watch me work in real time.. what do u think?

Also, with this feedback, we're gonna start working on a test version of the new site features. If you have spare time, and want an early peek, we're gonna need some testers! Please e-mail me at and put "SITE BETA TESTER" in the subject line. Hopefully within a month we'll have something up and I'll send you guys the link to try it out!

Haha and yeah Tudors is going ahead! I wasn't trying to keep it a secret or anything, just hadn't re-organized the front page for a while ~


  1. Livestreaming sounds AWESOME :D. And it would be cool to try out the site beta tester, i've never been a beta tester before before :) Oh and first comment!! :D

    1. That is gunna be sick!!! xx :p xx
      web cm gmes are sooooooooooooooooooooo cooooooooooollllll!!!!! ;-8

  2. are u still making atla?

  3. Sure, livestreaming would be cool; it would be neat to see how you work. But don't let it invade on your own life--which you have a right to have. :-) We all adore you and your work so much we're patient enough to wait (even if it's hard to). :-)

  4. i think livestreaming would be awesome! super excited about the upcoming games/future of your site/everyting!
    *scurries off to send you an e-mail*

  5. L-O-V-E IT! I didn't think about livestream or webcam shots at all! Wow, hope you finish one of the games soon, I can't wait! I would love to be a beta tester but time restrstime restraints!Homework! Dance Practise. Bane of my life! *crys in a corner dejectly*

  6. I think having screenshots of your progress would be awesome!

  7. i think that livestreaming would be so cool! I always wondered how you made your games. I've never been a beta tester before, and I'm so impatient to see the new features.


  8. More in-progress screanshots and vieos of you working on games would be awsome and it would help with other people who want to make games! Your a genius Ola! I can't waite for the new games! And please up date soon!! :) Again don't over work yourself!

  9. Love the livestreaming idea and screenshots/photos!! Awesome :)


  10. Can we see a preview of the tudors dress up soon. Please!!! I looked it up on the web and I can't waite now! Please, Please, Please put a preview up soon! But, don't over work yourself Ola! :)

  11. It'd be cool to have a real-time webcam of you working but that might sometimes feel a bit weird for you having millions of people WATCHING you. lol. Maybe a good idea might be to upload one or two vids of you working so people who are interested in the technical or artsy side of things can see how it's done. Personally I'd LOVE a tutorioul.

  12. Btw, I think if you DID make it into a log in site then you'd have to do something really special to make it unique. There are heaps of doll sites like that so you'd have to have lots of different things to offer. I think I said on your last post that MyCDE was a good site. The log-in part of the site is quite nice as there is lots of things to do you can upload pictures and you can also save some of the dolls you've made on the site for others to see. You can also design outfits for the dolls and the most popular ones get made. I think you'd have to have a nosey round to fully get what I mean, but the only problem with CDE is that most of the games are shite. =-/
    One thing that I think you will NEED if you have a log-in site is a good reporting system to stop trolls and cyber bullies from upsetting people who just want to have fun making new dolls and new friends.

  13. How much time does it take to be a beta tester? I'd really like to, but I don't know if I'd have enough time. :/ Livestream and screen shots would be awesomesauce! :D And I really agree with Jess, a reporting system would be a must. *nods*

  14. Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!!

  15. I defintely signed up to be a Beta Tester, I'm so excited for it!
    I love your site, keep up the good work! :D

  16. Livestream might be cool :O

    Don't overwork yourself, you always seem so busy :D

  17. livestreaming sounds so cool i love this site cant wait for anything to come out!!!! :)))

  18. YaY Lolita maker is almost done!! :D

  19. hi Ola, do u still working on ATLA?


  21. Lolita's almost done!! SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!


  23. Lolita maker is almost done!!!! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Just kidding! But I can't waite!!! YYYYAAAAAYYYY!!!! Lol

  24. Ohh wow Lolita Maker is soooo good!! I wish I had time to explore it properly!!

  25. ohmigosh, lilita maker is AMAZING!!!!!

    that, and there's a Marie Antoinette game coming? can't wait!

  26. Lolita maker is BEAUTIFUL and has sooo many options!!!

    I love that game!!!

  27. :D i love love love the lolita maker! soo beautiful!

  28. The lolita game is beautiful but the 2 frill colour wont change D:


  30. Lolita is awesome! So worth the wait! :D

  31. Lolita maker is awesome! It was defintely worth the wait. I'm so excited for the Princess Maker, I've been looking forward to that one for ages!
    Marie Antoinette maker? Mind=Blown. I have really high hopes for that one, she was one of the most glamorous and sought-after queens. I know you'll do a good job!

  32. lol, I'm having so much fun with Lolita! For those who know Black Butler, I totally made a female version of Ciel. :3

  33. *Waits patiently for Star Trek dress up* the Lolita maker was cute but I missed having the option to give her trousers XD I guess that's not how Lolitas roll? Super excited for the Princess game :D

  34. Lolita game is sooooo fantastic, but underwear changing option would be cool :)

  35. Hey i adore your games a tonnnn and im a huge fan of the upcoming avatar, viking, marie antoinette, and the princess and victorian makers. But i have to say, i'm really really sick of this lolita crap. I know it's some people's thing, but it's really depressing and limited. Maybe, since now you have like 3 games about it, you can make more historical ones?? I love those!

  36. um, i'm not a huge fan of the whole 'lolita' thing either, but especially when the game is a collaboration, i think it kind of comes down to what the artist is interested in drawing. also, as far as 'limited' goes, i have been able to use the new lolita maker to make dolls of several of my characters who are FAR from being lolita.

  37. underwear option for lolita would be great.

  38. I really adore the Lolita Maker; there's so much freedom in designing outfits, and so many extra little options. I do wish there were boots available, but it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the game, so I'm not gonna fuss :P Can't wait to see what's next ^__^

  39. Work In Progress screenshots would be great! I can't wait to see the next games...

  40. If people are looking for ways to make boots, what I did was used the sock option to match the socks color with the shoe color(The best shoe to use is the closed heel looking one). I then transfered the doll into paint and used the paint brush tool to erase the black lines. I'm not an expert but I do hope it helps people out! :) By the way Ola, Lolita is awsome tell Setsuna she did really good with the designs!

  41. uuummm i was surfing the web the other day and i found the avatar scene maker and it was updated to aang. so i checked your friends list to see if you were friends with them, but i didn't see the website on there. anyway i just wanted to be sure they had permission to do that. so heres the website:

  42. Please Ola, say something! We know you're very busy, but an update would just be great! The statusbars haven't moved and you haven't responded to our comments yet. So a little sign of you still being a live would be great:)

    You're doing a great job, so we would like to follow that:)

  43. Ola, would there be any possible way you could add a Prefect and Hear Girl and Head Boy badges in the Hogwarts game? That would be really cool

  44. Dude... Um are you still alive?
    You haven't done any updates. I'm not just talking about the games. You've been MIA on the blog too. <.<

  45. Come on Ola! In January we had an update almost every week. Now you haven't spoken to us in nearly a month! Just show us that you're still a live, that's all.

  46. Livestreaming would be really cool! I'd love to see you actively working.

  47. Why is everyone on here so impatient? If you read her dA you'll find Ola is actually at the Game Developers conference at the moment, and other than that I'm sure she has a life as well.

    Just wait patiently, hmm?

  48. I always thought you drew everything and programmed everything on this site but looking at the links you obviously dont.

  49. Do you use Deviantart for your artists??

  50. I'm sorry OlaxD I had no idea you were away. We must be so annoying:P

    @Rune: we are (or atleast I am) so impatient 'cause we love Ola's work and literally can't wait to see more of it :D. And I hadn't thought of looking at her dA. And not every one is impatient: just me and an anon;)

  51. @Flower: I've seen it a lot on previous posts and it just strikes me as quite rude - I can't wait for her new stuff either, but... *shrug*

  52. @rune: we are not being rude on purpose and i'm willing to bet most of us don't even think of reading her dA to be honest i'm not even sure what that is. i agree with flower we are all just really exited for upcoming games and probably miss ola's posts.

  53. wow nobody's posted in awhile oh wait i just did =3

  54. Hey Ola when you get back on do you know a good free website that can teach you how to draw anime? Would really appreciate it.

    Julie :)

  55. @torch: dude i realize i was being stupid its kinda fun to do sometimes. besides i'm getting straight a's so its not like im stupid in reality.

  56. look at princess maker it almost done!! :D

  57. Princess Maker is ALMOST DONE!!! YAY!!!

  58. I just said that loser... <.<

  59. asdfghjkl cant wait for princess maker!

  60. @fan: dude don't call anon a loser where is respect didn't your mother ever tell you to treat people the way you want to be treated. i mean come on its the golden rule

  61. Jin don't be like mother or something. Shut up!!!!

  62. @angryfan: WILL YOU CALM DOWN i'm just protecting the person who was called a loser they could be hurt. take it from someone who was bullied and still is.

  63. @angryfan and Jin:
    Please no fighting! We can't have Ola come back to drama now can we! Tisk-Tisk! Lol, but seriously everybody calm down usualy when Ola stalls for a while its for a good reason.

  64. @taylor: your right (sigh) angryfan i'm sorry for yelling at you

  65. @porcupinehero - you are my God for mentioning Nerdfighteria ^_^ yaaay having things in common with people :D

  66. So, I get that the ALTA stuff is bothering you, but I think suki should have an engagement necklace from sokka. And we should be able to make all the girls pregnant in the ALTA scene maker. PLEASE!?!?


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