There will be more characters coming, but with less options. This is a great time for reporting bugs and ideas ~
As I do research I keep coming upon all this talk of shipping. I can't help but throw in my two cents:
Kataang makes sense. Aang is fun and Katara organized, but they are both simple and virtuous. This works.
Zutara is stupid. Zuko would find Katara way too idealistic and boring. Katara would find Zuko too cold. Maiko all the way!
I don't see anyone for Toph.
Sukka could work, but the timing is wrong. Sokka's obviously still obsessed with Yue and his love for Suki isn't strong enough to steamroll that. He needs a strong lady, but he's obviously physically attracted to girly girls. Also, I think she's years ahead in maturity and can't wait for him to grow up. They will break up in a year or two. I would propose Suki/Jet but it's not exactly possible.
I know I'm like, years behind on this haha, but whatever. What did you guys think?